
Wir sind vom 05/8/08/2024 bis einschließlich 23/08/2024 wegen Urlaub geschlossen.
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+39 02 48950008

08:30am - 5:30pm

Vibrostop S.r.l. development investments

Thanks to the financial support received from the European Union, the company Vibrostop S.r.l. has promoted an important investment program aimed at implementing optimal production conditions and maximizing efficiency in the use of production factors. The program will contribute to the optimization of the efficiency and safety of processes and production flows, will increase company performance and competitiveness, quality standards of production and will allow us to respond more actively and effectively to new market needs. Made with the support of:


Schwingungsdämpfer mit erdbebensicherer Halterung

Anti-vibration mounts with anti-seismic retention Introduction The main purpose of this brief discussion is to provide the principles that guide the selection of anti-vibration mounts, used for the isolation of…

Prozent Isolation

Percent Isolation What is Percent Isolation The table indicates the vibration isolation that can be reached, known as the external excitation frequency (linked to the operation of the machine) and…