
Estaremos cerrados por vacaciones del 05/08/2024 al 23/08/2024.
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+39 02 48950008

08:30am - 5:30pm

Vibrostop S.r.l. development investments

Thanks to the financial support received from the European Union, the company Vibrostop S.r.l. has promoted an important investment program aimed at implementing optimal production conditions and maximizing efficiency in the use of production factors. The program will contribute to the optimization of the efficiency and safety of processes and production flows, will increase company performance and competitiveness, quality standards of production and will allow us to respond more actively and effectively to new market needs. Made with the support of:


Vibrostop apoya al barrio: El Muro Diabolik

Vibrostop supports the neighborhood: The Diabolik Wall A short distance from the iconic church in Via San Cristoforo and the Naviglio Grande, the City Hall 6 of Milan continues the…

Soportes antivibratorios con retención antisísmica

Anti-vibration mounts with anti-seismic retention Introducción El objetivo principal de esta breve discusión es proporcionar los principios que guían la selección de soportes antivibratorios, utilizados para el aislamiento de sistemas…

Porcentaje de aislamiento

Percent Isolation ¿Qué es el porcentaje de aislamiento? La tabla indica el aislamiento de vibraciones que se puede alcanzar, conocido como frecuencia de excitación externa (vinculada al funcionamiento de la…